
General discussion about Bf Bot Manager v3 software for Betfair, Betdaq and Matchbook betting exchanges
By legoman
Hi, I'm struggling with this one.
I have 2 separate strategies, that back correct score 0-0, then trade out (after bet rule) 1 tick lower. This has worked okay for the past few years, but since updating to v3.1.26, the tradeout amount is low ( several examples are 15% to 45% low), leaving a large profit on 0-0 and a siginficant loss on all other scores.
Note, Bets column shows Unmatched=£0.00 for both the back and lay bet.

Anyone else noticed this?
By legoman
Thanks for the brilliant and speedy service.
For anyone following this thread, I had reduced my 'Max liability per bet' on the 'Edit Strategy' window.
This caused my problem, and it was revealed on the Bets History tab, under the 'Short Description' column.

Cheers, legoman