
FAQs and other general questions are answered here
By Dubberry317
i have tips that are regularly changed throughout the day so have been importing them on an hourly basis and auto deleting them 59 mins 50 secs from import however the import doesn't seem to be happening hourly even though its set to import from URL on an hourly basis
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By BfBotManager
It is an hour from the moment you started software e.g. 4:34, 5:34, 6:34 etc., not every hour at zero minutes e.g. 4:00
By Dubberry317
oh so its from when the software started not when the tips download?

so i open the software at say 12:30

download the tips at 12:34

it will reload at 13:30 when the software opened not 13:34 from when the tips downloaded?
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By BfBotManager
It remembers the time when request to download tips was made and that is usually just few seconds after software is started. It does not check if any tips got imported or not in that request.
By Dubberry317
im still getting issues with this

ive set mine to import on an hourly basis and delete them 59 mins 50 seconds after.

ive just seen today for some reason it re imported the tips 33 min into the first hour and i cannot understand why as its not set to do this
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By BfBotManager
If you delete tips and then use same URL/file to import tips then tips might get reloaded if they are still present at that URL/file.

Beside that, you should not use strict intervals e.g. 10s difference is too small. If you have to remove your tips then set it to remove them after 55m.

But please note, if you remove tip at which bet was placed and then you import that tip again, then new bet might be placed on that new imported tip. You might end up with multiple bets on same selection as you keep importing and removing same tips again and again.

Generally you should never remove tips before event start time, otherwise you might end up with duplicated bets as same tips might be imported again.