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By mcbee
hi rade
the results are taking up to 30 mins to display, then 3 or 4 results are displayed at once and this is affecting my wait for x losses/wins before betting.

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By BfBotManager
Hi Mcbee,

Are you placing bets or just running bot without any real bets?

When bets are not placed then bot lowers refresh rate for collecting results, but if you have at least one Matched bet then results are collected once per minute.

If you are placing real bets and they are not settled on time then set refresh rate for getting settled bets to 60 seconds at "Tools->Settings".

By mcbee
hi rade
i think i am in a catch 22 situation here.
i want the bot to wait for x wins/losses, so no bets are placed, so the results are very slow, so the bot does not know what has won the last race until 10 mins or so.
the object of wait for a winner/losser is not to bet until, but if i do not bet then the bot is on a go slow.
in other words the wait for x wins/losses will not work as it should because the bot reduces the results time.
please alter it so that when the wait for x wins/losses, the bot is normal time for results.
or better still, use the dogs web site for quicker results.
the main problem is the bot is using the results from 2 or 3 races back to check for the win/lose, but its a bit to late to bet after a win 2 races back.

slow results.jpg
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By BfBotManager
Hi Mcbee,

Thank you for your suggestion.

Ok, I understand. This was added in last update and I expected that it will require few improvements.

I will probably set to default to collect results every 60 seconds.
