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I need help with my strategy. It is not placing bets.
The rules are simple:
Place a bet on: My favorite selections when the score is 0-1 on team 1 in the first half of the game.
What do I need to select on: My favorite selection?
1. The teams like in the picture with the name: My fav 1 (all 3 options are selected because another strategy is placing a bet on X. When the score is 1-1 after 0-1 another strategy is placing a bet on 2)
2. The score like in the picture with the name: My fav 2?

Thank you
Errors.jpg (107.84 KiB) Viewed 5343 times
Strategy conditions.jpg
Strategy conditions.jpg (164.37 KiB) Viewed 5343 times
Your Markets filter rule is set to allow betting only at CORRECT_SCORE market, but you are checking runner by position 1 for price range 2-50 and that is score 0-0 at CORRECT_SCORE market. It appears wrong.

You should create one strategy for MATCH_ODDS market and set Markets filter to allow betting at MATCH_ODDS market. Then use "Football - Bet when score" rule to allow betting when score is 0-1.

Use "Selection conditions->Selections filter" rule to allow betting only on RUNNER by position 1, that is home team. You can keep "Bet on my selections" rule if you wish to manually pick home teams at which bet can be placed if they are losign 0-1.

Please make those changes and then use simulation mode to test it without risking any real money.

Also please take time to read the manual for details on how each rule works and for step by step instructions on how to create strategies: ... v3-version
Hi again,
I modified the strategy to choose the games alone.
How do I make the setting to bet when the home team has lower odds than the away team?
I used the market condition: Home/away team odds ratio with the setting from the picture.
I want to place the bets on multiple similar strategies only if the home team is a favorite.
home awat team odds ratio.jpg
home awat team odds ratio.jpg (224.73 KiB) Viewed 5315 times
Sure, you can use that rule, but you will have to load markets before start time so that bot records prices from before in play.

Each strategy should be set to bet on single market type. I suggest you create 2 strategies, one for Match odds market and second one for Correct score market.